Giving Feedback
Let's face it – delaying important conversations negatively impacts both ourselves and others, hindering productivity and creating a tense atmosphere at work. However, addressing issues openly can be intimidating for many. When feedback is delayed or poorly delivered, it often leads to poorly executed conversations and further problems.
Embark on a journey of improving your feedback skills with Coach Indira, who will elevate your abilities from awkward to adept in this straightforward course. You'll receive a practical guide for facilitating growth through honest yet empathetic feedback, regardless of your position in the company.
Learn to lead with strength-based feedback and explore language grounded in scientific research that encourages active listening and absorption. Through simulated scenarios, practice navigating tricky situations to feel more confident.
Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, dealing with ego clashes, or confronting biases, this course empowers you to break unproductive habits.
The outcome? Improved communication, teams where individuals feel encouraged to excel, and the ability to strike a balance between constructive feedback and acknowledgment.
By enrolling in this course, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.
Welcome to this course
Lesson 1: Welcome to This Course on Giving Feedback
A course for anyone looking to improve their giving feedback skills.
Lesson 2: How to Use Your Workbook & Toolkit
Download a custom toolkit jampacked with interactive tools that take your learning further
Lesson 3: Commitment
Sign contract with yourself to stick to growth and accountability
We need feedback. Ugh!
Lesson 4: What is Feedback?
Feedback decoded - understand this tricky skill and why it strikes fear
Lesson 5: What Makes Feedback Complex?
Peel back messy layers tripping up feedback culture
Lesson 6: Your Team Needs Your Feedback
Discover why your voice and truth unlocks potential
Lesson 7: Why We Fear Feedback
Brain science of why criticism feels like danger (and how to self-soothe)
Not all feedback is a gift
Lesson 8: Some Feedback Is...
When feedback harms not helps + warning signs
Lesson 9: Biased Feedback
Subtle ways unconscious bias distorts messages
Lesson 10: Mitigating Bias
Rewire reflexes before bias sabotages again
Lesson 11: Uncover Bias - A Quiz
Test yourself: sticky scenarios reveal personal pitfalls
Lesson 12: Case Study
Spot and stop bias in action with realistic example
Self-reflection / Coaching Circle 1
Pause and reflect, or consider joining a coaching circle if your organization offers one. This is an opportunity to discuss what's emerging for you as you reflect on the course and its prompts.
A giving feedback toolkit
Lesson 13: A Giving Feedback Toolkit
Step-by-step system upgrades sticky convos
Lesson 14: Assess the Challenge
Customize approach: technical issue or internal roadblock?
Lesson 15: Make it Timely
Fresh feedback cuts through fog of forgotten context
Lesson 16: Environment
Location sets tone: casual office or formal meeting room?
Lesson 17: The Invitation
Openers that inspire listening not resistance
Lesson 18: Create Dialogue
Two-way street: understand their why behind what
Lesson 19: Make it Fair
Last looks eliminate unintended bias blind spots
Lesson 20: Remain Objective
Just the facts: observe minus interpret
Lesson 21: Provide Concrete Examples
Specific not vague: paint clear picture of situation
Lesson 22: Share the Impact
Connect dots between actions and outcomes
Lesson 23: Make it Strength-based
Praise assets already there and redirect as needed
Lesson 24: Make it Actionable
Next step suggestions target growth
Lesson 25: Listen Actively
Hear beyond words through body language clues
Lesson 26: Ensure Clarity
Prevent pointless plans - get on same page
Lesson 27: Coach Them Forward
Motivation needs company - schedule momentum check-ins
Lesson 28: Look For Outcomes
Track progress and offer tokens of recognition
Lesson 29: Recognize
Spotlight wins big and small - balance praise with polish
Lesson 30: Share the Consequences
Clear warnings if serious change doesn't happen
Managing the emotional response
Leave room to reflect
Lesson 32: Revisit the Gist and Set Some Goals
Big takeaways transform talk into action plan
Lesson 33: It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later
Tell us what hit and missed - shape future courses!
Giving Feedback Course Survey
Bring your candid feedback to help us improve!
Self-reflection / Coaching Circle 2
Pause and reflect, or consider joining a coaching circle if your organization offers one. This is an opportunity to discuss what's emerging for you as you reflect on the course and its prompts.